Observation Based Gouache and Watercolor Sketchbooks 2017-2019
Imaginary Doodle Based Landscape
My Illustrated Books for Sale
Tree Teachers | Wordless Picturebook 2019-2020
Education Inspired Illustration 2019-2021
Bluestone School Illustration Portfolio 2017-19
3D Experimental Illustrations 2016-2019
Imagination Classroom Playscape 2017
Paperarium 3D Illustration 2016
Educational Board Games
Tales of the Cafeteriverse Children's Book for the Classroom 2016
Contests, Commissioned Illustration, and Illustrative Sketches 2008-2016
2014 Imaginary Child Creature Characters 2014
Caryn Blum Art
Observation Based Gouache and Watercolor Sketchbooks 2017-2019
Imaginary Doodle Based Landscape
My Illustrated Books for Sale
Tree Teachers | Wordless Picturebook 2019-2020
Education Inspired Illustration 2019-2021
Bluestone School Illustration Portfolio 2017-19
3D Experimental Illustrations 2016-2019
Imagination Classroom Playscape 2017
Paperarium 3D Illustration 2016
Educational Board Games
Tales of the Cafeteriverse Children's Book for the Classroom 2016
Contests, Commissioned Illustration, and Illustrative Sketches 2008-2016
2014 Imaginary Child Creature Characters 2014
3D Mixed Media Illustration: Bluestone School
2D Education Illustrations
Tree Teachers
Nature Playscape
Mixed Media Illustration
Personal Illustrations
Early Childhood Matching Game
My Books for Sale
Imaginary Doodle-Based Landscape
Observational Gouache and Watercolor Sketchbooks